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• 🚀 Not exactly a new feature, so it should have the other emoji 👾, however today I've made changes to the the way the site list loads. It was always slow, especially for sites with a lot of hits. Well, no more. It's near instant. In addition to this, the site list now updates automatically when your hits update — I really love this a lot! It's all automatic on a site by site basis. Next up would be to also update the site dashboard itself, I'll work on that one day. • 👾 Made some underlying tweaks when...

“Creativity is an unexceptional, ubiquitous quality of all reality. This is something astonishing and worth celebrating. As humans, we are not the origins of creativity (it is not emerging out of our heads or originating in our ideas); rather, we can skillfully join and modify ongoing creative processes. Creativity is something we “surf”. Human creative processes are thus always more than human—and especially more than and very different from ideas. Our creative processes are enactive; they arise from and are creatively enabled by the relational dynamics of tools, environments, embodied practices, histories, and a dense weave of human collaboration.”

blogging for humans