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• 🚀 You can now view all of your uploads (assets) that are part of your posts on a dedicated screen. This allows you to quickly download them in original format, view the post they are attached to and also search by filename or your post content. This is still a work in progress, so please expect some tweaks. You'll find this in the new "Assets" section that you can get to in the main dropdown. • ⚠️ Assets are tied to a post, so when you delete the post, the attached uploads will also be deleted — that's by...

• 👾 Improved the blog export to now also include all of your original images and videos. The HTML that will be created will use the images or videos as found in the folder instead of the Scribbles CDN URL. • ❤️ Added a Nitpick option to set a "powered by scribbles" image into the footer of your site. It's a lovely icon created by Ning. By default, any new blog will have this option enabled by default. Existing blogs will have it disabled — didn't want to mess with the Zen. Give it a try. You can see it...

• 🚀 For posts with images, you can now click on those images to open up a lightbox. Works great. Click to open, click to close. It'll always load the higher resolution image to maximise the space. It's super simple and hopefully will tick a lot of boxes. It'll have a blurred background in either white or black, depending on the colour scheme. You can of course override some elements with the ".lightbox" class in your custom CSS. The image will also take into account your screen height, so it'll fit as it needs. Give it a try:

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Blogging for humans ✌️❤️

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