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👏 Considering what?

Channel 4 Paralympics ad gives two fingers to patronising comments: “In research conducted by Channel 4, they found that 60 per cent of people watch the Paralympics to see athletes overcoming their disability, as opposed to 37 per cent watching for exciting sporting competition. “Clearly the idea of a disabled person ‘overcoming’ their disability is problematic, perpetuating the idea that disability is a problem for the individual to ‘get over’, rather than the fact that most problems and inequalities associated with disability are caused by society,” says creative director of 4Creative (Channel 4’s in-house creative agency) Lynsey Atkin. Lynsey recognises...


“Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” A small digression from what I thought I would write today. I had wanted to write a little about the Protestant Productivity Ethic I briefly developed in my last entry, but I happened to hear a bit of a podcast I wanted to complain about. My podcast player thought I should hear a recent entry...

Ebb och flod

Igår kändes det som om dagen aldrig skulle ta slut. Många platser att besöka, långa körsträckor och övertid. Kände mig ganska mör när jag kom hem.  Idag var en helt fantastisk dag på jobbet! Otroligt vackra platser, en båttur i skärgården och var hemma i hyfsad tid. Känner mig pigg och glad! Det är ju så det är här i livet – ibland är det uppåt och ibland är det neråt. Ibland varar dessa perioder lite längre och ibland är de korta. När vi stannar upp och blickar mot stjärnorna på natten, då inser vi att hela universum är en...

Hobby Auditor

What hobbies have you had in the past that you no longer have? What happened? (This is my FiftyIn50 daily blogging prompt). I wonder what the definition of a hobby is?  I try everything that vaguely piques my interest.  Some stick with me, many are never attempted again -- but at least I tried. Thinking of long term activities.... Golf.  As a teenager I was fanatical. I played every Saturday and Sunday.  I enjoyed it.  I was middle-of-the road ok at it.  A golf-handicap score of 17. After a few years I discovered new things and gave it up.  Never...

🕖 Now — Searching The Web

1.  Am I the only one who thinks that SearchGPT could be a significant development if they get it right? Google, which has been undermining the open web, should start to worry. I'm on the waiting list to test SearchGPT and eagerly anticipate its integration into ChatGPT. There are 10K slots available, apparently. 🔎 2. As I wrote yesterday, I do consider closing my Reddit account. I'm a paid subscriber, mind you. The exclusive deal with Google for content indexing, the API shutdown episode, the CEO's attitude, the fact that I don't use Google Search anyway, all contribute to my...

MenuWhere, Simple, Cheap and Useful

MenuWhere, a utility from versatile indy developers, Many Tricks. Menuwhere's single purpose is to pop up the frontmost app's menus at the current mouse location. By default, it is activated by ⌘ + Right Click, but you can use the built in preferences to activate it totally with the keyboard if you want to. If you are technically proficient and also have apps like Keyboard Maestro, Better Touch Tool or Karabiner Elements, you can use them to assign a mouse button or gesture to activate the menus. MenuWhere lets you customize the menus you see. You can opt to include...

Technology defines me

What is your current relationship with technology? Do you enjoy it? Does it cause you anxiety? This is my daily FiftyIn50 prompt to blog. Simple: Technology is my life.  Like most people, I use it every day to function.  It's amazing how much you rely on it.  If your internet connection has ever been down for more than a few minutes, you soon realise how much of daily life needs it. Our entire TV solution is streamed.  I listen to music, which is streamed.  We use our mobile phones and tablets all the time.  Even turning the house lights on...

Heja Sverige friskt humör

Igår var första gången på länge som jag skrev en text på svenska, som inte var avsedd att översättas till engelska. Vilken lättnad! En helt annan känsla.  Jag har flertalet gånger skrivit på min engelskspråkiga blogg att jag tvivlar när det kommer till att blogga på engelska. Ofta får jag då till svar från engelsktalande att språket är felfritt. Men det är inte det som är grejen... Det finns massvis av verktyg som är bra på att översätta och rätta grammatiska fel. Grejen är att det blir en helt annan känsla i skrivandet. Jag drar mig för att slänga in...

🕖 Now — Testing & Breaking Things

1. I've been testing macOS 15 Sequoia and a few things are broken, like the Shortcut to generate the weather conditions that usually goes in this post's title. I couldn't figure out what's the issue with the shortcut, which is usually the case with shortcuts editing. 🧪 2. Because of the issue with my weather shortcut, from now on, the /now post title will no longer include weather conditions until further notice. 🤷🏻 3. I no longer need Magnet utility, which I wasn't using much anyway, since a similar feature is now part of macOS Sequoia. 🧲 4. iPhone Mirroring...

focusedOS - Distraction Free Workspace

Indy developer Michael Tigas has a productivity boosting app, focusedOS that combines elements of other productivity enhancers into one app. The app is focusedOS and it has five distinct enhancements to boost productivity: Behavior This feature is similar to the HazeOver app in that it allows you to dim all apps but the current one. If you need more than one app at the time you can specify which ones to show. You can add text to the menu bar to remind you of your focus and you can remove menu bat icons. You can even hide the wallpaper and...

Kill Your Inner Sorkin

This evening I went through and unsubscribed, un-boomarked, or otherwise dropped out of a bunch of political fora, subs, newsletters, etc. I felt the usual "good, college-educated liberal" twinge about doing it that I feel whenever I deliberately unplug from information sources. For years I thought I was someone who "was really into politics." I kept up on the polls, got excited about  primaries, watched every debate, watched convention coverage, etc. etc. That was what was modeled to me as a kid. I remember being really sick during the 1980 Democratic convention and mom making a pallet on the living...

Dålig dag eller dumhuvud?

När jag skulle svänga in i ett radhusområde idag, visade det sig att en kraftledning fallit ner och blockerade infarten. Efter en liten omväg kom jag ner på rätt gata igen. Där mötte jag en buss i riktning mot den omöjliga utfarten. Jag bromsade in, blinkade med helljusen och viftade med armen ut genom rutan för att varna honom. Hans reaktion var att mer aller mindre ta sikte på min bil, så att jag fick kasta mig mot trottoaren.  Vad handlade det om? Ingen aning. Kanske hade han haft en dålig dag. Eller så var han van vid att såna...

Let's get physical - or not!

What's your relationship with physical labour? Do you enjoy, accept or avoid it? Physical Labour .... No thanks. Not for me! I potter.  (Definition: to busy oneself in a random and agreeable manner).  I like pottering in the garden, which is the extent of my physical labour. For the heavy lifting (grass cutting, hedge trimming) I get a man in.  Honestly, I know it sounds lazy, but I want to enjoy the garden and hate to think of it as a chore. What about you?This is the prompt for day ten of my daily blogging challenge.  Feel free to take...

Things 3, Maybe the Pinnacle in App Design

I've tried a variety of task manager apps over the years: Omnifocus, 2Do, Evernote, Apple Reminders, Remember the Milk, ToodleDo, Wunderlist/Microsoft To Do, Google Tasks. I've also tried managing things personally and professionally without a task manager and just trying really hard to remember everything, LOL. Sob. I spent the most time and money on Omnifocus. Not only did I purchase the Mac, iPad and iOS versions, I also bought books, online courses and training videos.  I was managing the computer networks and workstation inventory of five large high schools with multiple work orders per site along with outsourced repairs,...

The Protestant Productivity Ethic

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Before men of war and Canadian college professors were cursing at us to clean our rooms, popular guidance on how live a more productive life took on a more genteel, avuncular, and managerial tone. But what hasn't changed within the productivity industry is the assertion that what we do reveals something fundamental about who we are. The implication being, of course, that we are not good. The good news of these gurus is that...

Personal Gratitude

Do you have a gratitude practice? Why or why not? What sort of things are you grateful for? (Day #9 of my FiftyIn50 Blogging challenge). Short answer: No! I see other people on social media commenting on what they are grateful for.  I follow on the fediverse and see some interesting posts.  But for me, I don't have a daily gratitude practice. That's not to say I am not grateful for things, but I don't feel I need to jot it down. What sort of things am I grateful for? • My health • My partner • Our dog...

email me to purchase

I recently finished building out the website for my latest bag in the Strathmere Leather lineup, Ocean Front, and got down to the end, the part where I need to seal the deal, make the sale, initiate payment, have money change hands. I thought about embedding the product directly from my Shopify site. That way you could just click or tap Buy Now, pay the money, and move on. Felt kind of yucky to me. Most of my products are quite personal in their origin, the inspiration of them has meaning to me, and putting a Buy Now button at...

🕖 Now (↑27 °C-↓17 °C-🌧️43%) — Discovering & Reading

1. I've been spending quite some time this morning to discover and read new blogs. I discovered this blog and this blog. I love the open web. I'm probably following more blogs than I can ever read, but that's fun because from time to time I go to Inoreader and more or less randomly I peek at a few feeds and read. 🔍 2. I have updated my personal dashboard page in Craft to add those two "Discover" feeds (one, two) so I can keep my new blogs coming healthy. 3. Incidentally, I spent quite some time in Inoreader to...

blogging for humans