“”Sanity is a handicap and liability if you’re living in a mad world.” – Anthony Burgess”
“"Write out your goals. It’s amazing how few people do. By writing out your goals, you prevent a random walk through life. So many people...
“❝ A latin adage on the will to achieve: If there's no wind, row.”
“❝ There is no need to fear any problem you are working on. If you are working on it, then you are influencing the outcome....
“❝ You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. — Meredith Wilson”
the pond's reflections
Focus on what’s really important.
• “What’s most important to you in your life? Spending time on loved ones, on your health, on your most important work? Whatever is most...
Minimalism Is About Finding Freedom
““When we say yes to one thing, we are saying no to another. A minimalist life is about trading a life filled with clutter, busyness,...
A piece of advice worth passing on
“My first manager once told me: “Ideas are cheap, actions are what counts.” This allowed me the freedom to simply have ideas, let them go...
… and our true nature
““When we drop all attempts at doer-ship, and simply rest in the flow of being, we see, feel, and recognize our connectedness with life, others,...
Why I write
“I’m a nobody. I’m just a random person with a website like countless others out there. There’s nothing special about what I’m doing here and...
a small tip on friendship
“"What we should look for in friends is trust and a shared idea of what matters in life. It’s not about what they can do...