Nicola' Scribbles


Hello from 🇮🇹, 🇪🇺! 

My name is Nicola [he, his]. I'm an husband, dad of a wonder, cazzaro, friendly, long time blogger, motorcyclist, comics & computer geek. I come in peace… 

I started my first Italian blog in February 2003, and opened an English one in october 2005.  This Scribbles space is my latest experiment into micro-blogging. So far I'm enjoying every second of it!

Personally I'm using Apple software and devices - after some years spent on Microsoft Windows and Fedora / Debian / Mandrake / SuSE / Ubuntu GNU-Linux distro – since 2006 and never looked back.

I've got a Computer Science degree and work as a technical collaborator (doing ICT support and system management) at the Institute for Biomedichal Technologies [ITB] in Italy's National Council of Research. We mainly use Ubuntu on our servers, Microsoft Windows on the majority of my colleagues' desktops along with some Apple systems.


As said in my intro I have lots of interests. I come from a long time foundness of comics (and later on mangas) and science fiction books. Then a passion for informatics begun to grow.

Then a passion for music has fortified itself in me over time. One of my first memories is singing an italian song when I was really really a kid, and a couple of years later I can remember playing with my uncle's turntable and his records. At 10, with a couple of frieds I begun my music exploration and started to discover my personal taste.

In the same period (10 / 11 years) I begun to be in love with motorcycles – did you say Vespa? – and at 17 I finally convinced my father to buy me one. Currently I ride a Ducati Monster 1200S.

I'm in love with typography and graphic design, I have no education on them, and I do hope to have time to learn more (and regret not having discovered them earlier in my life).