suggested reads for March 18, 2024
from the web
One of the longest running series of posts on my older English blog is
this column that I called “linklog”
in which, as you can foresee, I post some interesting articles
discovered going around the web.
Most of them are tech, social, or
personal growth oriented ones. I'll repost my latest issue
here, and with the opening of the Scribble's Explore page to the general
audience see how it's perceived by the occasional reader.
So here's today list:
- The great list of all the blog platforms – following last week’s suggestion on the Zeldman post about where to place our digital presence today, I could not avoiding this post from Manuel;
- The State of the Culture, 2024 – Or a glimpse into post-entertainment society (it’s not pretty), by Ted Gioia;
- ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the web – a really great article on what, at the current state of the art, we can expect from LLVM;
- Instagram’s uneasy rise as a News site – one the thing I talked about with my friends / contacts it’s that today Instagram is no more a photo content platform, but an all kind of news platform. Where you can’t search something that interested you.
See you next time on my main blog.