Nicola's scribbles
June 2nd, 2024

One year ago

Life's journal

One year ago we were on vacation. We had our first trip cruising over the Adriatic Sea, going from Bari to Trieste, then down again in Greece, Turkey arriving to Istanbul and then back again to Corfu and Bari.

my son at the Ayasofya Cami - Istanbul
my son at the Ayasofya Cami - Istanbul

This is one of my favorite pictures of my son, during our visit to Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. He looked in awe, like us, at the magnificent architecture of the place and felt the ‘magic’ of this religious place. While being a church for religions, he also felt the need to pray to Mary (mother of Jesus) for my health, since he has always known about my issues. It was so spontaneous and magic that it's a moment impressed in my memory. And I would like to share this with you…