The letter S, in dark yellow, in a curvy handrawn style Scribbles Updates
February 7th, 2024

Expanded posts, title-less posts and explore tweaks

New Features

Another week has gone by and I've been busy with getting those requested features your way. Although, I spent a little bit more time on client work as well 🫣

In the last post I wrote about some stretch goals. Namely expanded posts on the homepage, title-less posts and an RSS feed for Explore. Well, guess what? Yeah, those are all done ✅

Title-less posts

I won't lie about this one. I didn't really want it. But oh boy did every second email ask me for this. And you know, I get it! Sometimes a post, no matter how long, doesn't have a suitable title — not to mention it can be a hurdle to just write. On top of that I thought of the word "scribble"... what is a "scribble"? Well, a scribble is just some words — doesn't need context as such, a note, a small update. Whatever. I've never seen a scribble with a title.

So there you have it. Go and try it the next time, if you feel like scribbling some thoughts. Title not required.

Expanded posts on homepage

Another major requested feature was the ability to show expanded posts on the homepage. Again, I was a little against this — but this time I am really happy with the way this looks and works.

There are some blogs that already use this, but I got permission from maique to show off his. So here is a nice screenshot showing an expanded homepage:

maique's homepage

And another shot from a little further down the page:

Short scribbles on the homepage.

I think it looks great and simple. Right now, if you have Tinylytics Kudos enabled, it will also correctly display the Kudos count. Check out maique's site here for your keen eyes.

Explore tweaks

I've made a few tweaks to explore, including adding an RSS link to subscribe to the latest posts. It should work pretty well and you can find it in the Explore section.

On top of that, I added quick links to the top of the page so you can quickly jump to posts... or blogs.

Explore page with Latest Blogs and Latest Posts button, including a subscribe link.

There's more of course, but that will be in my next update — I'm sure you'll spot them.

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