The letter S, in dark yellow, in a curvy handrawn style Scribbles Updates
March 18th, 2024

An update on pricing and introducing a yearly


Two weeks ago I launched the option to buy lifetime access to Scribbles. Because I had so much feedback and requests for more options, you have the options for $99, $149 and $199 — with unlimited blogs & posts included, so you don't have to worry about anything. It's really up to you how much you want to spend (every little extra helps of course).

This has been the most unexpected turn of events for Scribbles, and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart that went for a lifetime account. It really means a lot and your support blows me away ✌️❤️

Saying that, I covered in my last post about pricing that I will be introducing a discounted yearly closer to launch. That time is today.

I do understand that some people have been on the fence, I really don't know what the right time is when to introduce this. Will I upset people? Maybe. Maybe not...

When I planned for the lifetime plan, I had a $99/once in my head — as I mentioned, some wanted a little bit more (and I am not going to say no to that). In general I was planning to base this on a 5 year, yearly, commitment — so let's say $50/year for 5 years — and yes, the lifetime price is a really good deal! I guess I aim too low? The important part here though is to recognise all you fine folks that have signed up during the past few months!

At the same time I recognise that $99 is a lot of money — certainly is for me.

In my last post I was planning the following pricing:

$24/year plan for early beta adopters, for your first blog. Then it's $12/year for each additional blog — this covers basically everyone that has emailed asking for access. This will be available before public launch on a limited time basis (although I will probably keep it for longer). 

That gave me a bit of food for thought and, trust me, I had many long showers to think about this one.

I do value to be mostly independent and want to create enough income to sustain that, so I can't give away anything for free — I'd love to, but I really can't afford to.

Adding the above logic would have caused considerable more effort than I wanted, so I decided to just keep everything super simple instead. So... gone is the old price (as quoted above).

Early Adopters — Yearly

So, introducing a $30/year plan for all early adopters that haven't yet gone ahead and purchased a lifetime license.

Instead of 1 blog, you get up to 5 blogs — if you ever need more, ask your friendly human via email and I'll sort you out.

That still makes the lifetime plan an amazing deal, but know that a yearly is also great and allows for some recurring revenue for Scribbles.

If you've been on the fence... well... now you have a choice.

Just head on over to the billing page and select the "Want a yearly instead?" and you'll get the extra option — just select it.

Press on "Want a yearly instead?" to bring up the yearly option.
Press on "Want a yearly instead?" to bring up the yearly option.

Once you're happy with your choice, just go ahead and launch the checkout.

What's gonna happen next?

Because I had time to think about this, and influenced by others, I'm gonna keep the maximum of 5 blogs limit for all plans going forward, the only exception is the lifetime plan of course where you have unlimited blogs (great for side projects, and testing — just like what I do).

On April 1st, and anyone that has registered on or after that date, will get an option for a monthly and a yearly price. I'm also going to add a lifetime option, but know that the current lifetime pricing will no longer be available after that date.

Anyway, that's all I have to share right now. Hope this is music to your ears, or some of you at least.

Talking about money is always difficult... so know that it's never a good time to talk about it... except now.
