The letter S, in dark yellow, in a curvy handrawn style Scribbles Updates
February 1st, 2024

Introducing link=me support

New Features

I wanted to ship this last week, but somehow I had other things I got out instead. So, let's get to it. Link Me support is ready for you all under "Verification & Proofs" in your blog settings page. And it's super simple.

The link=me section in Verification & Proofs. Showing 2 links in inputs and one empty one, allowing you to add another one.

At the start it shows you the one input, and is sufficient for most, however I recognise the need to have multiple as time passes, so just come back to the section and keep on adding away.

To remove them, just delete the text in your inputs and save — as easy as that.

Everything you enter will show up as a link tag in the head of the site, meaning it'll be hidden but available to any site that supports it, for example Mastodon and others.

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