The letter S, in dark yellow, in a curvy handrawn style Scribbles Updates
January 31st, 2024

Editor tweaks and kudos emoji

New Features

I wanted to follow up on creating pages in Scribbles with giving a slightly better overview of what your end result will be when you're in the editor.

New editor badges

So, following that idea I wanted something easy without bombarding you with confusion. Now when you either toggle the post as a "draft" it will show a little badge on top of having the box ticked. If you decide to create a Page from that, you'll get a badge telling you exactly that — and I also hide some of the UI elements to give you a better idea what features a page has.

A page badge in the top right of the editor when the Page checkbox is ticked.

I've also got a quick video for you to see this in action, although a video is only that, so try it yourself!

Oh and you can also now create a page straight from the Pages section of the app.

Custom Kudos Emoji

If you're using Tinylytics — and maybe you should — you might know that you can use custom emojis for the kudos button. Now you can change that in the analytics section, because 🍩 🍬 ❤️ 🤷‍♂️ are also great options!

An option to set a custom emoji for the kudos button.

More options for Tinylytics are coming, like the webring, country flags and more.

I've got more to show you, but let's do this one at a time.

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