Brain Dump
February 8th, 2024

What a Tool

Hello you lovely, lovely people. What am I going to rabbit on about today in my blog? I have to confess that I have absolutely no idea as I write this. Actually, is this writing or typing? Iā€™m doing it on a phone so is it typing or tapping? Thatā€™s got me thinkingā€¦ saying ā€œclick hereā€ seems a bit outdated now given we also tap. Is there a word that combines the two? One to ponder.

Highlight of my day? Probably leaving work and coming home. Yep, Iā€™m so rock and roll itā€™s untrue. Also, I did have poppadoms, mango chutney and lime pickle for dinner (get me showing off my accompaniments) which was another highlight. I should say I did also have a curry and didnā€™t just sustain myself on Indian side dishes (though I totally could).

Iā€™ve noticed a lot of bloggers writing about tools. That may be keyboards, pens, notebooks, backpacks etc. I love these sorts of posts and find myself getting jealous [who remembers the phrase ā€œdrool mopā€ from the early days of the internet?]. I mean, who doesnā€™t like a new shiny thing? That said, I often feel like people write more about tools than what theyā€™ve done with them. It would be a bit like Taylor Swift writing a blog about microphones or Picasso writing a blog about brushes and easels. Actually, I reckon Picasso wouldnā€™t have blogged but would have been rockinā€™ the ā€˜gram.

Ok well that wraps up another highly successful instalment of this blog. In the absence of a suitable cross-platform word, please interact with the broccoli (which I still canā€™t spell without spellcheck) below if you do wish to show some appreciation for this post. Choosing not to is fine of course - I get it, broccoli isnā€™t for everyone.