Brain Dump
February 23rd, 2024

Time’s a Tickin’

It’s felt like a long week. No longer than any other of course but long. Boy am I glad it’s the end of the week. Time to let my hair down (I don’t really have any) and do absolutely nothing. Ok that’s not strictly true. My wife is going to get her hair done in the morning leaving me with the kids. A haircut for me takes about 20 minutes (quick buzz cut and cut throat razor to neaten the edges) but my wife will be gone best part of the weekend. I dare say I’ll be forced to watch some CBeebies or similar kids TV and have to clean up whatever breakfast the kids feast on that will inevitably end up on the floor. I may try and listen to a bit of music though it’s never quite as good with a backing track of kids shouting and Peppa Pig snorting.

I guess we will have a spot of lunch and ponder what to do with the afternoon. A bacon sandwich methinks followed by a walk or a trip out for a coffee. Ah, simple days. Back in my youth before marriage and kids my weekends would have been spent out with friends at the cinema followed by some sort of unhealthy fast food and then a movie, or two, or three at someone’s house with more unhealthy food. I miss those days. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my family but I am feeling a little wistful about how carefree I was and how much time I had back then. I do miss being able to wake up and play computer games non-stop until bedtime. Damn that Two Point Hospital was addictive. I have very little time to myself to do things that I want to do and when I do end up having time to myself I end up doing nothing as it’s a bit of a novelty.