Brain Dump
March 28th, 2024

The thrill of hitting delete

Every now and then I get the urge to hit delete and start again where I want to buy a brand new laptop or tablet and start over afresh with zero digital footprint. I’d set up a new email address, passwords and accounts etc. I think it would be quite liberating. However I can imagine it would also get quite frustrating pretty quickly.

As much as a complete digital reset appeals, there’s just a lot of stuff I can’t just delete like notes, photos and files I have created so I’d have to migrate those. There would also be accounts like LinkedIn and Facebook and WhatsApp which I couldn’t really start over so would have to keep them. By the time I’ve wasted days doing all this I’ll be pretty much back to square one (less all the junk and spam mail hopefully!).

I’m a bit like that with blogging too. Build it up. Fancy a change. Nuke it. Start again. To be fair though I’m enjoying the raw simplicity of this blog on Scribbles and feel liberated that I’m not constantly tweaking things but am instead keeping it “stock”.