Brain Dump
February 7th, 2024

The Kitchen Sink

Well what do you know, it turns out this blog isn’t just a one-post wonder as I am back today with a sequel. 

I had no intention of starting a blog yesterday but on a whim I thought, oh what the heck, and it’s only now gone and become a thing. [Kudos must go to Vincent Ritter for creating Scribbles which made it so easy to just get started with a blog].

I should probably write “blog” (in inverted commas) as it’s debatable if this waffle I am spouting actually counts as one!

Anyways… when I woke up this morning I remembered that I now had this blog and felt I had a responsibility for it… like a baby (I’ve got one of those too). Why would I do this to myself and burden myself with another commitment? I actually had a genuine panic about it! I feel like Queen and David Bowie… under pressure! [I read that last line as if it was said by Ted Lasso for any fans out there of said character played by Jason Sudeikis].

As the proud owner of a new blog (well… an owner) I have found myself thinking about everything I have been doing today and whether it should make its way here in the form of words or pictures. Well not quite everything. Even I am smart enough to know that you wouldn’t especially care about when I washed the dishes this morning. If I do end up posting about doing the washing up you’ll know my day was especially dull.

I suppose in my head I am asking myself whether someone else (i.e. you lovely readers of this blog) would like to know about these things that I am doing? However I haven’t got the time, energy (or inclination) to assess my every move throughout the day. Sorry about that.

I just want to forget about blogging. I want to go about my day without constantly thinking if I should blog about whatever it is I am doing. I want to enjoy my coffee and that lovely stroll in the park! Having said that you can bet that within a couple of weeks I’ll post a photo of an expertly-made cappuccino with some lovely cocoa art on the top shaped like a heart or post a lovely picture of a tree bathed in glorious mist and sunlight (I wouldn’t count on it though - it’s winter - I live in England and I don’t often go for a walk in the park or get much exercise for that matter).

As we reach the end of today’s post where I have relentlessly rambled on about the pressures of deciding what to write about I realise that the only thing I have actually shared about what I have done today is the fact I did some washing up. Ah nuts.