Brain Dump
March 26th, 2024

The gradual decline of breakfast cereal excitement and enjoyment

Every so often I’ll think about a completely random topic and today is one of those days. If it were a scientific paper it would be titled something like - the gradual decline of breakfast cereal excitement and enjoyment. Ooh, there’s my blog post title - copied and pasted!

I remember “back in the day” when cereal was more exciting than it is today. Here are my reasons as to why cereal was more exciting and enjoyable “back in the day”. By the way “back in the day” for me is the 1990s. A period I like to call “Peak Cereal”. Also a contender for my blog title but I’ll stick!

  1. Cereal often used to come with free toys inside the cereal or  a CD taped to the box. I can’t remember what the toys were but it was probably a bit of plastic toot that was instantly binned meaning it wasn’t good for the environment (probably why they don’t do it anymore). Still it made cereal much more exciting as you got something to play with. I don’t think my parents were pleased when I stuck my hand in every new box to root through to find the toy.

  2. Cereal boxes often used to let you collect vouchers so you could send off for “freebies”. I’m looking at you Kelloggs and those branded cereal bowls which at one time graced kitchens across the kingdom.

  3. Taste. Cereal used to taste a lot better because it had more sugar and stuff before sugar and fat was deemed to be evil. Rightly so of course. However Coco Pops just don’t taste as good now as they used to. Don’t get me started on Sugar Puffs…

  4. Ok, Sugar Puffs. They are now called Honey Monster Puffs. ‘Nuff said. It’s like when Marathon became Snickers.

  5. Cereal is just a lot more drab now as due to the, now reduced, sugar content. It’s not advertised as much. I still remember some of the classic TV ads - “I’d rather have a bowl of Coco Pops” - ruined when they renamed them to Choco Krispies or something similar before the public outcry and the return to Coco Pops. Are Snap, Crackle and Pop still a trio? What are they up to these days. Hanging out with Tony the Tiger most probably. They’re grrrrrreat!

  6. Variety. I swear that “back in the day” there was real excitement when a new cereal came out. There were TV ads that people talked about and there was the thrill of trying something completely new. I remember a cereal that was popcorn flavour and another one that was like a banana-flavoured Rice Krispies. Where did they go? What were they called? Speaking of variety... Kelloggs Variety are multipacks of small boxes of assorted cereal. However, they always double up on Corn Flakes - the most boring of the lot. Never Crunchy Nut Cornflakes (which also don’t taste like I remember).

What about Ricicles with Captain Rick? Are they still a thing? (the internet says no).

  1. Colour. Cereal is all a bit drab these days. Boxes aren’t as colourful and the cereal certainly isn’t. Didn’t Lucky Charms used to be brightly coloured? I’m sure it’s all for our health but I’m fulfilling my brief with this post about talking about why cereal isn’t as good. With that I think I have made my point.

I apologise in advance for the random post. I also apologise if you have a hankering for some cereal, even cereal that is less exciting and enjoyable than it used to be.