Brain Dump
February 11th, 2024

Sunday Waffle

The kids are under the weather today and are full of cold which probably means we’ll be next in line.

After a busy day yesterday we’ve done very little today. In fact I’m going in to this blog with very little to say. Scratch that, I have nothing to say. I’m really selling this to you aren’t I? Good thing I don’t work in marketing.

Ok, well two highlights for me today and they are both food related (as is often the case with things that excite me). First up is that we had a full English today. Actually, it was more like a partial English. A full English is typically eaten at breakfast (though we had ours for dinner) comprising bacon, sausage and egg and then depending on where you are and what you like a mixture of other things which in our case was baked beans, mushrooms and toast. Except in our partial English we had turkey bacon on account of us trying to eat a little healthier. We also had Italian chipolatas on account of Sainsbury’s substituting the sausages I actually ordered on the shopping. I can’t say they were a great addition.

The second highlight for me is that my daughter bought me a Cadbury’s Creme Egg which was rather sweet (I meant her but it also applies to the chocolate). I love Creme Eggs and this is my third of the ‘season’ (which seems to start the day after Christmas). Did I say something about eating healthy earlier?

Changing the subject completely (as much as me talking about nothing in particular counts as a subject) I’ve been doing a bit of research recently into personal knowledge management systems. I am planning to start learning something new and want to give myself the best chance by having a decent set of learning notes I can keep referring to. I was expecting some grand and complex system but after a lot of reading into such systems the consensus is… to use the Notes app. Brilliant.