Brain Dump
February 14th, 2024

Putting on the Big Boy Pants

I’m usually posting something lighthearted on this blog but my day today has been about making one of those big life changing decisions that only come around once every 5 years or so and I’ve decided I need to resign from my job so I can move onwards and upwards in a career that I enjoy. I am genuinely terrified about handing in my notice but also genuinely excited about how I will feel once I have and have got through the day. In fact, it’s a lot of emotions and feelings - happiness, sadness, reluctance… it’s odd to feel all these things at the same time. I’m buzzing with excitement but also shivery from fear. I am sensitive to other people and will feel sad about letting other people down. I know it won’t go down well but I need to put myself first. I have got this. I have got this. I have got this.