Brain Dump
March 22nd, 2024

Just enough

I’m a sucker for that next big shiny new thing and always want to have the latest and the best. However I need to keep asking myself whether I should not just get the thing that does “just enough”. Do I really need a camera with a million megapixels or a car that has more gadgets than James Bond? Why can’t I just pick an affordable camera that takes decent photos or a car that will just get me from A to B? I just want everything. I have a fear of missing out - I think the cool kids refer to this as FOMO.

Businesses and entrepreneurs often talk about having a “minimum viable product” (MVP) which is essentially the first iteration of a product that the company can start to sell. It’s usually pretty basic but will do a job. Flipping that concept on its head is essentially what I want as a user - what’s the minimum viable product I need to get the job done effectively? Not too much, not too little. What’s the Goldilocks product?