Brain Dump
February 10th, 2024


Went to a farm today with my wife and kids. On the way there all I could think about was how I had spent a lot of time and effort cleaning my car only to take it to a muddy farm on a wet Saturday. Turns out my car was ok but I completely forgot to take wellies with us. Schoolboy error.

It was actually really good at the farm (despite the weather). The big kid in me got to pet and feed my favourite animal - the goat. The goat is the GOAT [Yes I can use all the latest lingo like the kids of today!]. Goats are really underrated in my opinion with their cheekiness and playfulness. After the goats, rabbits, pigs, sheep and all that there was soft play. Ah yes, soft play. A place where time stands still. I have no idea how long we were in there.

On the way out we treated the kids to a tub of plastic farm animal figures. You know the ones where the chicken is the same size as the horse. It also comes with 4 fences so you can make a pen but the only problem is that it’s not quite big enough for the cow to go in - not humanely anyway. The set is actually quite detailed aside from the cheap, thin, luminous green plastic trees. My daughter was naming all the animals and got to a cow that she said had two udders. Turns out it was a bull with (and I am not even joking) a massive pair of - well you know whats. In fact the whole anatomy is modelled which made for an interesting conversation which my wife found hilarious.

The Bull
The Bull