Brain Dump
March 17th, 2024

I’m Back

It’s been a couple of weeks so I thought I’d swing by and say hello. It’s so nice to have this space where I can just vent whatever is on my mind. On the flip side I feel sorry for all you poor souls who end up with this in your feed!

I’ve not been up to much - had a week off and did absolutely nothing. Of course that sounded good at the time but now my week has gone by and I have nothing to show for it I’m a little down. I’m not entirely sure what I hoped to achieve in a week off - perhaps tend to the garden (nah, too wet), clean out the garage (nah, too cold), play some XBOX (nah, can’t be bothered with downloading all the updates, spending an hour picking something to play only to get bored after 10 minutes), watch a film (nah, can’t decide on what to watch). Oh well, I guess doing nothing and chilling has been good for me in some way! Man, I really need a hobby!!