Brain Dump
March 24th, 2024

All the TV shows

A common question I get asked at work is “what are you watching at the moment?” to which my answer is usually, “oh nothing at the moment” or “I need to start something new”. I watched that Squid Game a while back as it was a big thing and I needed to know what all the fuss was about.

I struggle to keep up all the shows people are talking about and don’t know how they have time to watch so many things. It’s like being back at school and everyone talking about the football results which I had zero knowledge of nor interest in.

Some of these series on Netflix and the like must take hundreds of hours to watch and I honestly don’t know how people have the time to watch so many. It sounds like they have completed watching everything. They must surely be multitasking as it sounds impossible to watch as much as they do otherwise!