Brain Dump
February 6th, 2024

The First Dump

I’ve decided to give this whole blogging thing a go. I have been sat here thinking of something to say and I can’t think of anything - which is why I have written that. Where does one start? What do people want to read? What do I want to write? I’m just going with my raw, unedited, thoughts...

Maybe I should write about my day. I could but it’s really uninteresting. I live in a very typical and very boring British town and today I went to the office where I did some work before coming home. I could share a photo of my dinner (goulash) but I didn’t take one as, whilst delicious, I didn’t think at the time that I would want to share a photo of said meal. My wife treated us both to a tropical gin & tonic which was perhaps the highlight of my day! Is this making interesting reading?

Ok, let’s try something else. I really like the word obelisk. I don’t know what it is about the word but it has a very satisfying quality. Ok enough of that.

I do follow quite a lot of blogs and this reads like absolutely none of them. For one I am not a developer and have no idea what people are talking about half the time. I’d love to be able to code but I feel like even if I did I’d be sat here thinking of something to code and not be able to think of anything. Actually that’s not true - I have an idea for a simple story-telling game. Maybe one day I'll make it but probably never. Anyway, I digress. Actually, is it even possible to digress in this post?

I see a lot of people writing about their digital gardens. I'm not very good at maintaining my actual garden so I don't think I'd be much good at maintaining a digital one. Notetaking is also a very popular blog topic in the sphere of blogs I follow and I enjoy seeing all the posts about notebooks, pens, ink, note taking apps etc. Tools are great but I'd love to see some of the actual notes people are taking. With the move from analogue notes to digital notes I am concerned about the gradual decline of doodling. There's something satisfying about drawing a square, adding a roof, attempting a star, block filling the house you've just drawn...

Anyways, like and subscribe and leave a comment below as they say on YouTube. Except there’s no way of doing any of the three. Sorry! You could catch me on the Fediverse but a) I highly doubt you’d even want to follow me on the Fediverse and b) I’m not on the Fediverse. Should that be on or in the Fediverse and is Fediverse capitalised? I hate the word Fediverse/fediverse. It’s become very fashionable in the last 10 years or so to “verse” stuff. I blame Marvel.

Right I’m going to sign off. I can’t believe I managed to write a post from absolutely nothing. Sorry it’s a big steaming pile - I might come back and inflict further thoughts on y’all tomorrow.

Edit: I've actually found a way to add a "like" button so if you did enjoy reading please do hit that big ol' broccoli icon below. I don't know why I chose broccoli - I think I feel sorry for it as I can't imagine it gets much love. I just wish I knew how to spell broccoli. Thank goodness for spell check.