Random thoughts
Trying blogging again. These are my random thoughts about anything. About me.
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New iPad Pro & keyboard

I have been using a 2018 iPad Pro as second display at work and a latest generation iPad Mini for note taking and media consumption. I got the Magic Keyboard for the Pro when it came out. I was never 100% satisfied with either & bought a new 11" M4 iPad Pro when it launched a couple of months ago. ❤️ I love this device. The screen, the size, the weight - everything basically. I also got the Apple Pencil 2 and just a simple folio case from Apple. I didn't get the Magic Keyboard as: • I've given up...

At last - politics sees carers

The UK is in the middle of a General Election campaign and the two main parties are doing what they normally do. Ed Davey is the leader of the Liberal Democrats, traditionally the third party. He has taken a rather unconventional approach to the campaign so far but looks like he's having a great time. These all make him seem 'normal'. Today I saw a video his campaign has posted and it's the first time I've seen carers and the people being cared for put forward in such a way. He has personal experience of being a carer but it's...

The patriarchy

Saw this posted on Mastodon as part of the Man or Bear discussion that’s been happening for a while. I thinks it’s a really interesting article and made me see things a bit clearer. In particular these two quotes really resonated with me: “Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” and “Actually, the most common question I get about my travels is some version of, “Aren’t you afraid to bike/hike/travel alone as a woman?” By naming my gender, the implication is clear. What people really mean is, “Aren’t you afraid of men?””