A nice place to blog.
Start your own blog in seconds with a beautiful minimal theme, an intuitive dashboard, and an amazing editor that doesn't get in your way.
Start writing →Free with up to 25 blog posts. No credit card required.

Everything you need, nothing you don't
Simple, powerful features that let you focus on writing
Write with Joy
A distraction-free editor that lets you focus on what matters most - your writing.
Up to 5 Blogs
Create and manage up to 5 different blogs from a single account.
Private Blogs
Protect your content with passcode-protected private blogs.
Custom Domains
Use your own domain with free SSL certificates included.
Ephemeral Posts
Create posts that automatically archive after a set time.
Image Uploads
Drag & drop images with automatic optimization and metadata stripping.

Your editor. No distractions.
Rich Text Formatting
Format your content, WYSIWYG style.
Image Uploads
Drag & drop images with automatic optimisation, easily downloadable in your dashboard.
Live Preview
See exactly how your post will look as you write with a live preview.

Your dashboard. Clean. Simple.
Quick Overview
See your posts, drafts, and upcoming at a glance.
Easy Customization
Customize your blog's appearance with a few clicks.
Simple pricing for everyone
Start with 25 posts free, upgrade when you need more.
Paid Plan
Everything you need to run your blog
or $50/year (save 16%)
No credit card required to start
✨ Looking for something special? We also offer a lifetime plan.
💝 30-day, no questions asked, refund policy
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
— Leonardo da Vinci