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Blogs by humans

Select blogs for your browsing leisure from our varied Explore directory.

Back of the Napkin

The official blog for A. M. Aiken's founder (thinking quite big as he creates this), initially a place for him (Aaron) to put his thoughts and ideas as they relate to the various goods he makes...but will likely morph into...

a digital wanderer's journal

Pizza Social

Thoughts and musings by Scott Yoshinaga @kimonostereo Broadcasting from Honolulu, Hawaii. Co-creator of the webcomic nemu*nemu.  ♥: Guitars, Apple, WebDev, Birbs, Photography, Manga, Comics.  All writing is my own and does not reflect the views of my employer. about  |...

Gareth's Blog

Scribbling about life, the universe and everything from school dinners to retro games to new technology I don't need but inevitably want. Expect some random rubbish.

Coffee with Aaron

☕️ A dose of life shared by yours truly, Aaron Aiken. As if we are sitting down and having a coffee together. Written and shared with the hope that something from my life may offer assistance in yours. Something to...

Marius Masalar

Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I manage brand strategy at 1Password. Here, I write about seeking healthier, more thoughtful relationships with technology.

sticker spotter


The Dent

Hey there 👋 This is a coffee fuelled personal blog of a tired 30 something. Profile | Mastodon | Photos | Now

$5/month*. Up to 5 blogs. Unlimited posts.

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