rough notes
May 30th, 2024

O Martyrs of Gaza! 🍉

O Martyrs of Gaza! Our hearts bleed for you.
Our leaders have betrayed you. 
Lo and Behold, Allah SWT has chosen to elevate your ranks.

O Martyrs of Gaza! How beloved are you to Allah SWT, His Messenger SAW, His Prophets, His Angels & His Servants!
You are our pride and honour. Allah SWT has honoured you.

O Martyrs of Gaza! You are now amongst the martyrs of the past, the present, and the future.
You are amongst the Blessed Angels.
You are amongst our Beloved Prophet SAW and his blessed Companions.
You are under the Protection of the Most High.

O Martyrs of Gaza! You have gone ahead of us.
We are waiting to reunite with you in Jannat Al Firdouz.
By the Grace & Mercy of the Lord of the Seven Heavens and Earth, you are indeed the Blessed Ones. 

O Martyrs of Gaza! We pray for you.
We pray to Allah SWT to accept you as his Martyrs.
We pray to Allah SWT, the Sustainer and the Most Just, to deliver justice to His enemies in this World and the Hereafter. 

Ya Allah! Protect Your servants in Gaza and elsewhere!
Ya Allah! Do Not Forsaken Us!
Ya Allah! They boast, "Finish Them" & "Give them Hell".
Ya Allah! They plan.
Ya Allah! You plan, and you are the best of all planners.
Ya Allah! We leave their affairs unto you.
Ya Allah! You are sufficient for us! You are the Best Disposer of Affairs for us.
Ya Allah! From you, we came, and unto you, we return.
Ya Allah! From you, we get our honour. Deliver your justice in this World & the Hereafter.


Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for—rejoicing in Allah's bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. They are joyful for receiving Allah's grace and bounty, and that Allah does not deny the reward of the believers. As for those who responded to the call of Allah and His Messenger after their injury, those of them who did good and were mindful of Allah will have a great reward. Those who were warned, "Your enemies have mobilised their forces against you, so fear them," the warning only made them grow stronger in faith, and they replied, "Allah alone is sufficient for us, and He is the best Protector." - Aal'i Imran Ch3:V169-173