rough notes
July 15th, 2024

Fifty In 50


I stumbled upon the Fifty In 50 idea, i.e., fifty blog posts in 50 days, on Forking Mad's page. This exciting idea will enable me to write and publish for the next 50 days and beyond.

The original idea was to use Lou Plummer's prompts. However, I will make a slight change. Just write and hit the publish button.

I plan to write about: 

  •   How do I feel today?
  •   What did I learn?
  •   Something I'm grateful for.
  •   What do I want to remember from today?
  •   Random thoughts.
  •   Bookish thoughts.
  •   Whatever!

In short, I plan to free-write and use some prompts here and there.

Do you want to join the fun? Please request Forking Mad to add you to the FiftyIn50 Blog Roll.

Photo of an essay typed out in iA Writer.
Drafting the first post for FiftyIn50.