Alfred's Thoughts
April 23rd, 2024

App Defaults


Might be late to the flow but I am hopping onto this train non the less! After seeing and reading lots of folks App Defaults I am going to share mine!

📨 Email: Fastmail / Outlook
📝 Notes: LEUCHTTURM 1917 / Notion
✅ To-Do: Apple Reminders
📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Apple Camera
🟦 Photo Management: Dropbox
📆 Calendar: Apple Calendar / Outlook Calendar
📁 Cloud File Storage: Dropbox
📖 RSS: NetNewsWire
🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Fastmail Contacts
🌐 Browser: Arc / Edge
💬 Chat: Discord / Element / WhatsApp
🔖 Bookmarks: Raindrop
📜 Word Processing: Microsoft Word
📈 Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel
📊 Presentations: Microsoft PowerPoint
🛒 Shopping Lists: Apple Reminders
🍴 Meal Planning: Can't comment, suck at cooking
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: None, horrible at it
📰 News: Weekly Newspaper
🎵 Music: Spotify
🎤 Podcasts: Spotify
🔐 Password Management: 1Password
Terminal: iTerm / Windows Terminal
Code Editor: Visual Studio Code

*This is a direct re-post from my personal site