March 12th, 2024

Where's my iPad?


In our household, technically we've got 3 iPads, two 5th-generation iPad Airs, and a first-generation 11" iPad Pro, which currently resides at Grandma's house, Oh, and let us not forget about the first gen, cutting-edge technology, iPad Mini.

Whenever my wife and I remember we have them and need to sue them for whatever reason, and more so my wife than me, I should add, the expression is, "Where's my iPad?

Well, our iPads are not entirely our iPads, they are the kiddos' 😅

In my case specifically, I barely ever use my iPad, I used to but not anymore these days. For a long time, I was all into the iPad ecosystem and would blog, edit photos, watch movies or TV shows, and do some comic-book reading. In fact, I think it was somewhere like 80% comic-book reading, 10% blogging and 10% photo editing. Nowadays, it's just an entertainment center for the girls, they watch movies and play games.

If I want to do something, whatever that is, it happens on the iPhone, blogging especially, it is all from the iPhone. Photo editing? Also on the iPhone. And when I don't feel like using my iPhone, I have found myself reaching out for my 13-inch MacBook Pro, believe it or not. The only thing that might get me back into using the iPad, would be reading comic books.

So, the only times I find myself asking; Where's my iPad? When we are about to leave the house and I want to make sure, the kids will have them later. However, we are moving away from that, now we take card games to play with the kids whenever we go out to a restaurant and whatnot.

Where's your iPad?