March 25th, 2024

Ugh, Notes!


Okay, I have been thinking, well, I have been playing with my note-taking system, specifically for work, for a while now. Right off the bat, I would love Bear App for Windows! I know they are – supposedly – working on a web application, which I could settle for, but it’s been talked about for a while and nothing to be seen, yet. Also, there is a chance that it might get blocked by my work network, like Craft, I can even log into it, at least to their Windows app which tells me is just a web app like Todoist.

There is something about taking notes with a good old-fashioned pen and paper. I’ve got this fancy notebook with some fancy-looking paper and my not-so-fancy super-fine Sharpie, love it! The problem with that is, that notes aren’t easily searchable or accessible as digital notes are. Ugh, makes me think of my school days flipping through pages trying to find something important.

So, with Bear not having a Windows native app or at least a web app the next thing that comes to mind is ROAM Research!  I’ll be honest, there’s something about ROAM that I’ve always liked but it’s too expensive (15 USD / Month) and, I don’t hear about much these days so I don’t know what’s up with that.

So the next thing that comes to mind is Evernote!!! Nah’ kidding, Obsidian. I have tried Obsidian before for this specific purpose and works well, the problem is, I want to go all in. Meaning I want to use it for both work and personal and that’s somewhat of a hassle. Trying to get the vaults to sync between iOS and Windows specifically. I know there are ways but it’s always a pain in the buttness to get it set up, especially with my work network blocking stuff all the time. I have managed to make it work before but it requires a monthly subscription, I can't really use OIne Drive or iCloud, or at least I never managed to make it work properly as dumb as it sounds, especially One Drive, since it is not a personal account more like a work/corporate one or something.

And here’s the kicker, the one notes app that works and syncs between both systems, flawlessly, it’s good-old Simplenote! Why don’t I just use that? Huh!? It is free, I know there's a Patreon/supporter tier for free, and it works great, it syncs like it's witchcraft. Hm, hmm! And I do use it all the time, just not as a serious note-taking app. Usually, I use it to send small notes or snippets from my Macintosh mobile device to my Windows computer.

This is a never-ending thing/mission/quest...


Turns out, work does not block iCloud sync on my computer, so I  guess I'll be playing with Obsidian.