February 21st, 2024

The Pod that keeps on giving.

Hello Kitty sitting on. HomePod
Hello Kitty sitting on. HomePod

Yikes! According to the Oracle, I purchased the OG HomePod, 6 years ago, today! Has it really been that long? Shouldn't this thing be broken by now?  (I may have probably just jinxed myself, didn't I?)

Anyway, on February 21st of the year of our lord 2018, I welcomed to my homestead, a HomePod and it has boomboxing this household for 6 years now. It still sounds great, it is still holding up, and it [Siri] still annoys the shit out of us, the adults, to no end.

The only difference now, especially in the past year or so, is that rather than being just Annie and I talking and yelling to the dingus, now we have two underaged yelling at the thing as well.

Hey Siri! What does the fox say?

Hey Siri! Play the Wish Soundtrack!

The Pod that keeps on giving!