January 31st, 2024

Some puzzles are GRRR!


I am currently about 17 hours into Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and man am I having a blast with it! I want to say that this is about 30% completion, at least overall, not sure about the main story. The story is fantastic and I definitely want to know where it goes, however, these days I spend most of my time just exploring the map. I open the map, which is massive, by the way, just to see which areas are unexplored and see if I can access them, and what can I do and find.


Like any PoP game, there are puzzles, not just your typical puzzles like move this statue here, turn this around two times there, etc, but platforming ones. The former are mostly easy to figure out, the latter however, well, I am sure most people would figure it out easily but I can be slow sometimes. Especially when these require to use of multiple abilities and flawless timing. Abilities you might forget you have or you wouldn't think to use in a specific scenario. So, yeah, some of these make you go GRRR!!

Last night I encountered one that I rage-quit for the night. I knew exactly what I needed to do but my timing was flawed, and after like 10 tries or so I gave up and went to sleep.

We shall try again tonight! 💪🏼