May 2nd, 2024

make them easier, please

Video Games

A while ago I was going through my RSS feed, as you do, and came across this blog post by Marty on blast-o-rama. Marty links to this other post, Video Games Should Be Easy, For Baby Gamers Like Me. And boy did I feel seen!

For I am a baby gamer: I do not wish to be unduly or excessively challenged by video games. I wish to die a maximum of, let's say five times before beating a boss or passing a section. I wish to have fun, and I do not find it fun to be frustrated. 

And I am very sure, I am not the only one. The days of challenging games, sadly, and for good reasons, are behind me. I want to enjoy a story and have fun. That said, I am still a sucker for challenging games and mainly because many of these are so beautifully made, stunning. Take Elder Ring, for example, this game clicks all the boxes for me. It is a beautiful-looking, enticing world and lore, but is tough as nails, and very punishing. I tried it, for 20 to 30 minutes before I rage-quiting it. I tried recently to get into it, tried following this YouTube guide on how to be overpowered quickly, and well, I still dropped the game. Or when you play a game in which you spend all your healing potions defeating this one boss, just for the boss to transform into a much bigger and more difficult one. 

It is nice when I purchase a game and find great accessibility options to make the game more enjoyable for a player like me or even my kids. Like Tiny Thor or Tunic, they both have a "God Mode" option in which you'll never die, that's perhaps a little too much for me, but excellent for my kids. OR when they have a "Story Mode" difficulty setting, things like that are nice.

I am not necessarily asking for games to hold my hand entirely, but to make it more accessible for "old-gamer-timers" like me. Please, please,  just give me the easy settings, and let me enjoy the world and story of the game you've created without punishing me too much, and let these yahoos play whatever is the impossible setting. 
