March 11th, 2024

Health and losing weight.


This is me opening up a bit. Weight, my nemesis, my worst nightmare. Weight and health it is something that I feel like I have been battling and struggling with for a long while now. Well, in my head it has been since September of last year but when I gather the data, it puts things in perspective, and yikes!

(Data images, brought you by Happy Scale at the end of the post, and the 202 for Jan 2023 must be wrong 🤪)

According to my Body Mass Index (BMI), which I cannot remember the number given by my doctor, I am overweight. That I remember! Although, I did not need my doctor to tell me that, I have known that for years. There are many factors on which I could blame this behavior, depression, stress, some alcoholism, etc.  For my height, according to the internet, I should say, my Minimum healthy weight should be a BMI of 18.5 or 118 pounds, and my Maximum healthy weight should be a BMI of 24.9 or 159 pounds. However, these numbers are just a guideline, and individual factors should be taken into account.

I had been in the 150-160 range before, obviously during high school 😅, and during the years in which I was running, say circa 2015. Now I know for a fact I do not want to be in the weight range anymore. Yes, I was lean but not strong. Years later, from 2016-2018, were probably the years I was more in shape. Working out almost every single day, ate decently, and was not drinking as much as I do nowadays. I was around 175-180 and I was strong and in shape.

Then, shit hit the fan at some point, depression kicked in in full force, I was in a job I hated and did not move as much, working at random shifts, kinda like retail hours. Not having a routine made working out somewhat of an impossible task or so it was in my head. I was 225 pounds at some point, somehow, however, I did manage to lose 25 pounds.

Where I am at now, well, as of today I am 210 pounds, I feel weak, and in the unhealthiest state I have been in years, or so I feel, plus I am not in my 30s anymore. I drink more than I should, I don't sleep well so I am always sleep-deprived and tired, and working out seems like a task I don't want to partake in, even though I know for sure that is the best thing for me, not just for my physical health, but more so for my mental health, and yet, I am in a rut.

I know, what I am supposed to do but I am too caught up in my own bullshit and it's got to stop!

I want to get back to the best version of me. I think at this point, I need coaching. Because it's hard to hold myself accountable when it's just me, myself, and I.