April 20th, 2022

Games I have been playing.

Video Games

Previously on, Games I have been playing, our hero (yours truly) finished Horizon Forbidden West on the PlayStation 5 and was playing a lot of Streets of Rage 4 on the Nintendo Switch. Also played Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. This past week (or a few days) I got to pick from my very extensive and never-ending gaming backlog and purchased a new game, duh!

On the  Switch, Nobody Saves The World has finally come out. An action RPG, with some roguelike elements. This game has been a lot of fun so far. Your character can discover and transform between a variety of forms like a rat, a robot, or a knight. The more you use different forms and evolve them, you'll discover more forms to swap between them. Like any RPG you have many quests to complete. You've got dungeons and a fun story.

On the PlayStation, I am playing Need For Speed Heat. I know, everyone in the neighborhood is playing GT7 or Forza or whatever recent car racing games are out there, this game is from 2019. I have always been a huge fan of the Need for Speed series. This game, I picked it up back in 2021, on the Black Friday sale, a few days after getting my PlayStation 5. Over the weekend I launched the game and, I have been racing my way through Palm City. I think the last NFS I played was Payback, In that one, you had three different protagonists and each had different skills for different types of cars and race events. On Heat, you are back at a single character but you'd tune different cars for different race challenges. Also, you have your daylight and nightly races. In one, you make your bank $, on the other, you build your street cred. And like every other NFS game, the cop pursuits are the most fun and stressful part of the game, at least for me.

I will eventually get around to playing GT7 and get my eyes on Elder Ring as well, but for now, this will be it. On the Switch, most likely my next game would be Chrono Cross, which I had in the queue before Nobody Saves the World but, oh well.