May 16th, 2024

Best Shots

Something I Liked

Greig Fraser Picks a Favorite Shot From Each of His Most Iconic Movies | My Best Shots

IGN asked Greig Fraser to pick one favorite shot from each of his most iconic movies. I had a hard time picking one of them as a favorite, but it would be this one if I had to pick one.

The Batman (2022)

There's a couple I love in that film: the first introduction of our main character putting on his eye makeup to become the Batman. But I think my most favorite is the end of the movie. The Riddler has effectively realized that he has not succeeded in his journey and he's standing in prison. He's staring out the window, wondering what's going on. Then, a little voice comes in and has a chat with him. I love the mood of that scene and I love the fact that it sets up such an interesting arc for those characters. It ends in a really abstract way where we don't get to see these characters too clearly.

It ends up being light, flare, and darkness. It feels to me a little bit like being underwater except being in prison. It was low sun and because of that, it allowed us the flexibility to be able to create light and flare.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

But the main thing was it was a chance to really create an iconic Vader moment, as iconic as Vader walking through the smoke in the door of a New Hope. That scene: this black figure in this white space. I mean, you can't get any more iconic than that.

What would be your pick?