January 19th, 2024

Back in the bin.


A few days ago, I did a thing. I canceled my Feedbin Subscription, for the fifth time, mind you, and moved to iCloud for my RSS needs. And for like 2 days, it was fine. Now, I have found myself, opening a new account and importing my old feed subscriptions that Feedbin kindly emailed me when I last closed my account.

Why? Well, there's definitely nothing wrong with iCloud syncing, especially using NetNewsWire for it. It is just that I really like Feedbins' website to read my stuff on the desktop. It always comes down to that, this is one of the things that always makes me come back.

A few changes, however, I am unsubscribing from anything and everything I have stopped caring to read. Something I should have done a long long time ago, I suppose.

That said, I have not entered any payment information, yet, I am swinging it on the 30-day trial just in case I change my mind...

Ugh! I'm the worst!