January 27th, 2024

Auf Wiedersehen!


This morning I was lurking through my Day One and found this post I made on January 15, 2019 on Facebook, before permanently deleting it.

For a while now I have been part of a new blogging and social media platform called Micro.blog. It’s a blogging platform, but also allows short posts. It also has a social timeline where you can follow bloggers and engage in conversations and you are in control of your content. It’s an alternative to the corporate social media silos like Facebook and Twitter. The more time I spend on Micro.blog, the worse I feel about participating on Facebook. The creepy targeted advertising, all the notifications and suggestions that are intended to capture more of my time and attention for the benefit of the platform.
The company’s actions regarding privacy and political manipulation make me very uneasy, and I don’t want to support it any longer. That being said, it is time for me to stop my presence on Facebook. If you need me you’ll know where and how to find me. Alternatively you can follow my personal blog, gabz.micro.blog (gabytron.me also works). You can add it to your RSS reader, if you have one. If you don’t have an RSS reader, I suggest you try one. It is in fact really simple and a great way to keep up with new material on websites without having to visit each site individually. I will be deleting this account on January 31st. If you need my number or email or any of the sorts, feel free to shot me a PM. My instagram will remain active, for now, but probably not for long — I think.  Still debating on that one. Anyway, Hope we keep in touch! Auf Wiedersehen!