All the good content.
BlogI have been ruminating around paywalls and subscriptions over the past month or so, since the beginning of the year. How all the "good" content is always behind a subscription. Podcasts, newsletters, good journalism, etc. All the members' exclusive content.
I do understand and support people getting paid for their craft and I am all for that. My issue is, well, money. I want to pay for all the website subscriptions, I want to support all the good podcasts and all the good services. Unfortunately, I can't afford it all, I do not have all the "disposable income" I wish I'd have to afford to pay for all the good things I would want to support.
At the beginning of the year, I did an unsubscribe spree from many services and subscriptions and only kept a few. This does not include app-related subs, but more like Patreon content, websites, and podcasts, although, app subs also were cut.
I am going, to be honest, it was hard to let go of some of them, especially exclusive members' content, like that one extra episode a week or those two new kettlebell workouts a week. I am sure I will resubscribe to some, like my kettlebell Patreon one, since I lack the imagination to come up with workouts of my own 🙃.