February 27th, 2024

A game I am playing.

Video Games

Persona 3 Reload on the Xbox something (I'm not even sure which one I have, I think is the Xbox One 😅)

Persona 3 Reload Artwork

Not long ago, I played and wrote about Persona 3 Portable on the Nintendo Switch, and probably put on a decent amount of hours (about 32 if I recall correctly) before finding out that there was a remake of it coming up, and just like that, I dropped it 😅. I mean, if I can have the same game but with much better graphics, quality-of-life improvements, and new features, well, I would much rather play that version. 

I must say, even though it [Portable] was a very dated game, I was having a lot of fun. In Reload,  the dungeon crawling, although somewhat repetitive, is not as boring as the Portable version. Besides just going around finding enemies and chests, you find other ways to find items, special chests that require some items to open, and so on. Also, if you get a card of a Persona you already have in your stock, it just doesn’t disappear, rather, any Persona that you already have that shares the same Arcana or “class” gains experience points which is nice.

Persona 3 Reload is a remake entirely from scratch it very much matches the scale of Persona 5 for sure. In fact, Reload has a DLC in which you can get the Persona 5 costumes, which I am currently using. I did not know this but this remake is based on the original Persona 3, rather than the ports that we got over the years after its original release on the PS2. It also includes fully voiced social events scenes, which we did not have previously, and with a new voice cast. The combat system has the same foundation as the original but builds upon it and is much more stylish. It also has an amazing soundtrack, both old and new stuff.

I am only about 4.5 hours into Reload and having a lot of fun, and since I played a decent amount of the Portable game, there are a few conversations that I can skip forward or battles that I can “auto-battle” so I can catch up to where I left off. and of course, I am playing on the "Peaceful" mode, no need to stress myself.