We're in the unplugging season. It occurred to be briefly to just turn this off alongside a bunch of services billed monthly, but I bought a lifetime membership. I'm not so much trying to scratch...
We're in the unplugging season. It occurred to be briefly to just turn this off alongside a bunch of services billed monthly, but I bought a lifetime membership. I'm not so much trying to scratch...
I came across someone on a site I follow who's very much just themselves in the face of a lot of potential blowback. Some people are just kind of radiant that way, and I admire...
Oh, hey. Scribbles is testing embeds, so let's test with this awesome Mutoid Man show. {{yt:WgKDGMSXNmQ}} Highlights: • "Date with the Devil" at 9:00 • "Kiss of Death" at 30:26 • "Purple Rain" (!) at...
I have had an Evernote account for a very long time. It was my everything box for a number of years, and even though I did a migration out of it and into Apple Notes...
I bought a six-speed Brompton C-Line several weeks ago, replacing a Zizzo Forté. I like having a non-electric "get around" bike, and I like having a folding bike for camping trips or flexible city travel....
It isn't something I really emphasize on my résumé or in interviews, but for a spell (more than a year? Less than two?) I was Puppet's engineering director for the platform team — the people...
Regarding The Stallman Report, which I tried to discuss in a single toot but couldn't: I owe my career and life as I know it to a chance reading of the GPL while tending an...
I sold a few boards this week, including this Pantheon Pranayama. As much as I admired the design, with its super narrow tolerances for such giant wheels and such a low deck, I didn't warm...
Before deciding I was a punk guy in high school, I was a jazz guy. I was rescued from staying that way by the guy who sat in front of me in American History and...
I met some friends up on Burnside last night, and planned to ride home with Al from there, so I decided to take my Zizzo Forte: We could meet up, hang out, and I could...
I got a bike fitting at Pedal PT for my new Co-Op ADV 1.1 two weeks ago. We didn't end up changing much: The seat needed very small adjustments forward and up, but everything else...
I took my OM-5 (with the kit 12-45 zoom) along for our coast trip. I liked what I got from the combo, especially considering the low weight and small size. It was fine hanging over...
We took a trip down the Southern Oregon Coast for Al's birthday this year, staying in Gold Beach but ranging as far down as Brookings on day trips. We passed through there on a Spring...