September 24th, 2023

Getting Back on the Horse

Earlier this year, I started working out. I lost around 20 lbs and have been in arguably the best shape of my adult life. My workouts have been consistent and the changes my body has undergone has improved everything from my back pain to my flexibility.

As the summer heated up, I began struggling to get my workouts in. Working out in the garage when it was 100+ degrees outside was not my idea of fun. I had made modifications with doing part of my workout in the apartment, but my momentum definitely slowed down. I transitioned from doing my The Pump workout into a mixture of The Pump and a kettlebell workout I had created in an attempt to keep things interesting.

Two weeks ago, I began performing some new tasks at work that took up a ton of my time and energy. This coincided with my work’s busy period starting and I was left drained and frustrated. I missed a couple of workouts for the first time (I try for three a week) and then I got sick with a cold, which is still on-going.

Not being able to workout did a bit of a number on me. I felt like all my progress slipped away and eating habits weren’t as healthy as they should have been. I feel like the control I had over my health three weeks ago, has been lost and I’m struggling to get it back.

But my cold is almost over. I’m still having some issues sleeping, but I’m hoping a dosage of melatonin is going to help me get back on track. My busy period at work should end in the next two weeks and tomorrow I’m going to workout. It probably won’t be pretty and I’m sure it won’t be as productive as it was, but tomorrow I get back on the horse and take the first step into regaining control over my health. I still need to lose more weight and I need to get back to counting calories, but it's all about taking it one step at a time and tomorrow I’ll take that first step.